Critical Deadlines
Registration Starts:
January 7, 2025
Registration Deadline:
January 31, 2025
Registration received after the deadline will not be accepted.
*NEW* Registration Limit:
Please note we will be capping our tour at 40 artists.
This will be first come, first serve when registration begins.
REFUNDS: 50 % refunded if withdraw by February 15, 2025.

No refunds after that date.
Cost: $70 plus $30 for a lawn sign, if needed.
General Information
Participation in FAST is open to artists who are residents or have studio space in Fairfield, Rockland or Gonzales neighbourhoods, Victoria BC.
Guest Artist
A Fairfield, Rockland or Gonzales resident or artist with a studio space in these areas may host a guest artist as long as that guest artist is also a resident or has studio space in Fairfield, Rockland or Gonzales. The host artist and the guest artist must each register as an individual and each pay their fee as an individual.
Full Registration must be complete on or before January 31, 2025.
- Part #1: Online Request to Participate Application
- Part #2: Acceptance to Participate ONLY if new applicant
- Part #3: Payment of FAST Fee/s
Following submission of the Request to Participate Application, you will receive an email from the FAST Registrar, Louise Monfette (lmonfette@shaw.ca), with your Application status. If accepted, FAST Fee/s are due immediately, with payment dropped off or mailed to Louise Monfette, either by drop-off (cheque left in her mail box) or posting a cheque by mail to the address below.
Please complete the Request to Participate Application and send payment to Louise Monfette.
- Registration Fee: $70
- FAST Lawn Sign: $30
If you are new to FAST or do not have a FAST lawn sign from previous years, please include an additional $30 with your $70 Registration Fee.
Make cheque payable to: Fairfield Artists Studio Tour.
Louise Monfette, FAST Registrar/Treasurer
181 Joseph Street
Victoria BC V8S 3H6
2025 - JOIN US!

FAST Logo - Download
Artists wanting to post the FAST logo to their personal website can use the following image.
How to Download:
PC: Right-click on logo and save image as a JPG format
Mac: Click the image and drag it to your desktop or any other folder